Any person, white, green or yellow, who acted in the manner witnesses describe, would have been arrested. Simply divorce yourself from emotion and consider the indisputable and irrefutable facts:
We have:
- A 911 call.
- A creditable ear and eye witness who met responding Sergeant Crowley at the scene,
- There were two individuals with back packs, on the porch, shouldering-trying to force a door open, the rear door of a primary residence in a residential neighborhood, with their shoulders.
- When one individual Mr. Gates, refused to produce identification to a uniformed Police Sergeant (there was no ambiguity, it wasn’t that he might have been anti crime, undercover or someone misrepresenting himself as law enforcement);
- It was clear that Mr. Gates was given a lawful order.
When he refused, he set into motion a sequence of very significant events, which resulted in his arrest. Had he presented valid, verifiable photo ID, everything would have come to a grinding halt and the investigation would have ended.
The aforementioned scenario is corroborated by 8 civilian eye and ear witnesses, including a credible and reliable next door neighbor, plus two addition police officers, one of which is black. The facts would lead any clear minded professional to suspect a robbery was underway.