If you stomach isn’t turning already, listen to this: the average salary of a California Government employee (all localities, counties, cities, community colleges etc. included.) is $136,000 + benefits (healthcare & retirement pensions which push the mean well over $150K). The average annual salary of an American citizen is $60,000 per year and in California, with their Leftist open boarder policies, is only $45,000! This scenario is outrageous!
Never in history have non-competitive, paper pushing, safe from poor performance termination, government jobs been more economically lucrative than those of the free-market! It is impossible for a Republic to survive under these conditions!
Unions are created to balance the power prism when business organizations are adversarial in nature (IE) factory company owners and the workers. Given this incontrovertible fact, who the hell is the adversary of Government employees, the tax payer? Our government represents us, “We the People”! All of which I described is part of the Left’s diabolical plan to destroy capitalism and America as we know it.